Tu Me Cambiaste La Vida (Pausada Y Editando)
36 bahagian
Cerita lengkap Bella- Erick please... don't leave me- I said as I cried
Erick- b-b Bella be h-happy m-ake a life with...out me- he said as he was holding My hands
Bella- Erick, I love you more then you know- I said crying but at the same time looking at my white dress that was covered all in blood but also Erick was filled with blood all over his suit
Yes.. me and erick got married but *** shot him just because *** wanted to get revenge on my family. Right now we're on our way to get help for Erick and I hope nothing happens to him because I have no idea what to do without him... his my life in easy words his my everything. My mind was interrupted by Erick voice
Erick- I- love you....- he said before closing his eyes
Bella- ERICK!!!, please stay with me
JOHN VE MAS RAPIDO!!!!!!!- I said screaming at my brother
John- vamos lo mas Rapido que podemos, pedro ve mas Rapido!!!- he said screaming at ones of his man
Bella- Erick please stay with me- I said as I held his hand and kissed it
Read this book to find out what happens next.