In the land of Fayso lies magical creatures and human's with oddities. Traits one could redeem as odd and peculiar. The leader's of Fayso are led by the 3 powerful ancient beings Amara of Aereuth, Zeltic of Zorth, and Miao of Moonson. Together as a civilization they lived a rapport society, but that all changed the day of Black Zenith. Two of Fayso's powerful leaders disappeared without a trace leaving Fayso vulnerable to the Ghoultren clan. The terribly wicked Ghoultren clan has now enslaved the people of fayso and claimed the land. Since it's dawn the people of Fayso lives have changed forever. The use of oddity has been forbidden across the land and those who defy the Ghoultren's orders are met with terror and despair. As the shadow and darkness rises Fayso's light dimmers. In the ancient Legend of Taran there speaks of a young boy named arlo gifted in an odditiy that may save fayso, but does he have what it takes to defeat Ghoultren and return fayso back into it's promise land?All Rights Reserved