There are 12 Zodiac Signs, as you all know. The Zodiac country is split up in different large masses of land, like a state, called sections. But what happens when one person from every section gets teleported out of their barriers. Or of the whole country, for that matter. They have to find secrets to take down the government on their journey to take the government down so they can live all together, not just with the same Zodiac. But in the middle of their journey, a mysterious queen with fiery red hair and her brother plan to capture some of the 'Chosen Zodiac' to move forth their plan to take down the government. And then all heck breaks loose. Which side does 'The Chosen Zodiac' take? Is it the right side? They most likely won't know until it's too late... ~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_+~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~ START DATE: September 18, 2017 FINISH DATE: January 27, 2018 ~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+_~+~+_~+_~ £- GUYS, I AM SO SORRY! THIS BOOK IS MY FIRST BOOK SO IT'S TERRIBLE! IF YOU DECIDE TO READ THIS, BRACE YOURSELF FOR THE MOST CRINGEWORTHY BOOK EVER. ~THIS BOOK IS CURRENTLY BEING EDITED. GRAMMAR AND SPELLING AND A FEW ADD-INS HERE OR THERE FOR DETAIL PURPOSES.All Rights Reserved