The shadows breathe down your neck. You feel cold, but don't turn around. Nothing is there, and you know that.
Something has been haunting you- and everyone. It's invisible, but you can hear it laughing maniacally. It's probably cracking a broken-toothed smile, or maybe it's wearing a mask, like the ghost from Spirited Away. Could it be a crazy serial killer with a hatchet telling you to "follow the darkness?"
It's probably out to get you, to choke you to death or worse.
But that's just in your head. Ghosts are all bad, right? Bad spirits, angry spirits... but why are they angry? Why do they think dark thoughts? Maybe... it's for a rational reason?
Scrap that idea.
No ghosts have good intentions. Ghosts don't feel emotion. They're nothing like you.
After they die, they become heartless, emotionless, cold, stiff, dark creations hell has summoned from the deep depths to... and...
Why? What happened?