Meguri is a new student to this academy. She is known as a perfect student with amazing grades, but what most people don't know is that she is Nagisa's own sister that's right her full name is Shiota Meguri, she has the same amount of bloodlust as her twin brother maybe even more and she sure has so much experience when it comes to assassination. She is actually really popular through out the school because she is mostly known for her kind and cute attitude, the way her voice affects people making their day and her mesmerizing looks. But over all....... She is a straight up killer. (I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEA IT WAS @Koi_Pond 's and the first bit of the story is over there! And YES she did give me permission to continue HER story and say "Oh! This is such a great idea how did you come up with it?!" IT IS NOT MINE!!!!!! K? thats the link to the first bit i give almost all the credit to her!