Sunny skies, some days were cloudy, but for the most part, the whole month of July seemed to be happy, vacation filled, and perfect. But then, the first day of August approached, and that's when kids realized that school was about to start up again.
There were pros and cons though.
The positive side, there comes a sudden zombie apocalypse, the negative side, a zombie apocalypse.
Yeah, pretty good, right?
Totally wrong.
Wrong like 'drown yourself it's so bad' wrong.
A freaking zombie apocalypse!
When are highschoolers just doing their thing , smoke , dugs , cry over loves . What if it all collaps, everything changed because Of a apocalypse . A zombie apocalypse
Well it happens to the friendgroup that call themselfs the "f8* . A typical friendgroup in highschool , they're just trying to survive Highschool but they have to survive more than just that