Carmen Johnson, is my best friend. She's the kind of girl you'd love to be with; with her beach blonde hair to crop tops, ripped jeans, sneakers and fluency in speaking, you'll find her very interesting. Everybody likes her but a few badmouths her for not having a boyfriend. But so what?
Enters Gregory Hansen, the renowned geek freak aka bookworm, aka dork-face! He's a straight A student but nobody wants him for a friend. Poor thing! He puts his wisdom and knowledge before anything else. Yes! Everyone knows that he'll make it to Oxford!
It wasn't too bad enough that he was a geek, but the fact that I got to find out that he was my best friend's crush??!?...that was beyond bad. Why did it have to be my best friend?
Unknown to me, Carmen secretly admires the geek and it goes on for a while behind my back until I make a bold step to take a vast action to put their secret crushing asunder.
I had to end their liking for each other as soon as possible or else they might end up falling in love and Carmen may not be able or recover from the horrible embarrassment all her remaining high school days.
I wasn't going to let that happen. Never!Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang