Harry has a secret. A secret that know one knows. He's gay. When he tells his parents, they freak out and are so ashamed of him to the point that they are abusing him. Calling him ugly, pathetic, worthless, faggot. But that's not all. His father, Des, physically abuses Harry. While Gemma doesn't know what to do, so she just watches in the corner. But Harry has had enough of this. He doesn't want to be treated like this for being who he is. But what else could a 16 year old boy possibly do? But no.... he couldn't. Could he? Could he possibly run away with out getting caught? But what else could he do? Just sit around and take more emotional and physical abuse? He didn't have a choice. So he ran. He stole his parents money and took a train to Doncaster to stay with his best mate, Zayn. He dyed his hair black, and now wears blue contacts. His name went from Harry Edward Styles to Edward James Parker. Everything was going perfect until he meets a boy. Not just any boy, but Louis Tomlinson. Harry wants to tell Louis who he really is, cause he trusts him. But he's afraid that Louis loves Edward. Not Harry. Will Harry tell him the truth? Or will Louis find out on his own? Will Louis still love Harry, or did Harry ruin his trust with Louis? Find out about Edwards and Louis' love story, in this fanfictional story..... DelinquentAll Rights Reserved