It all started when Esther had asked Eli out on a date when they were twelve. Best friends could not describe the powerful, ultimate bond that they had had. But sadly, Eli did not feel the same way. Esther tries her hardest to make it up to him but that powerful, ultimate bond that they had shared is now broken.
Sixteen years old, fresh and new, Eli and Esther get asked for a photography session in Paris. Little did they know that the two used-to-be close friends were partnering together for an opportunity that would change their lives forever. Eli and Esther mend the bond that was broken many years ago. And when an australian-appearing boy named Alex throws an unforgettable party, it brings them closer together.
But when something goes terribly wrong, Eli and Esther endure the very dangers of Paris. And when Eli's previous childhood sweetheart comes along, they may not realise they may be in deeper trouble then what they supposed...