A world full of magic, known as Fiore, along with all the main characters from the original anime Fairy Tail comes a spinoff, presented by yours truly, starting in episode 175 in the Grand Magic Games when 2 female ancient dragon slayers awake from a 400 year coma. These are no ordinary dragon slayers, they are generation 0 dragon slayers who were warriors in the dragon war era. They were friends with Agnologia before he became evil. Back then, in the dragon war, guilds weren't strong enough for the war, instead there were clans which are guilds that are based around a single type of magic. The strongest clan, well you can guess, was Fairy Tail. These 2 girls were the strongest, their names are Nashi and Tsunami.
This is a joint story by me, ArticWolf44, and my friend Nashi012704. We are also the characters and I'm pretty sure you can tell which is which, soooo I hope you enjoy the story!!!!!!