"Ale-" he signed, "Ivy." The principal said.
I dropped my glare and looked to him. I looked to his laptop screen which was showing the video of Jessica Taylor jumping around like a spazz attack with a Praying Mantas attached to her golden locks. Laughs from class mates rang around off the small speaker from his computer. He paused it and sighed.
"Ivy, you can't keep doing this type of things in school. I know you're still broken from loosing Sean and Michael."
Sean and dad had died less than a year ago in a car accident on their way to the 21 pilots Concert.
I nodded, "although this time this wasn't me. This was an accident...just like the crash." I mumbled the end.
"Fine, I'll let you off because you didn't do this, but please stop. I know Michael was a trickster and Sean followed in his foot steps and you think this is the way of remembering him and being close to him-"
"It is my way, I'm finishing the book. You only live once, I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't be satisfied with the lack of experience of life I've had." I say.
He nods, "no more this week." He stands up and leads me to the door, I give my uncle a quick hug and wave goodbye.
"I'm sorry I can control her Michael." He chuckled and closed his office door.
Alexandra Ivory, or Ivy, is a trickster. She has a bad past, cops involved and nearly sent to Jail. She likes to play tricks on the kids at Silver Coat High who bully people.
Although after playing a prank on the wrong target, a new popular, she runs into a world of trouble and a feeling she has never felt.
Love, heartbreak, betrayal, something that's been locked away since Sean and her Dads death. you
Tasker kode Zero telah hidup dalam 99 dunia berbeda. Gadis itu menjalankan berbagai misi, mengubah takdir, dan memainkan peran yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
Kini, di misinya yang terakhir, ia berperan sebagai Selina, putri asli dari keluarga kaya raya.
Jujur saja, ia sudah lelah. Bagaimana kalau ia istirahat saja?
Namun, kali ini Selina terikat pada Sistem Gosip, yang terus-menerus menggoda dengan gosip-gosip terlalu menarik untuk diabaikan.
Masalahnya? Untuk mendapatkan akses ke gosip-gosip tersebut, ia harus men-stalker Dexton, CEO nomor satu yang dikenal dingin dan misterius.
Tapi yang tidak Selina sadari adalah, setiap percakapannya dengan Sistem bisa didengar oleh keluarganya... serta Dexton sendiri.