a brother and sister in the year 4332 grew up not knowing their parents or anything about the species they were born as due to a terrible occurrence when they were infants. they were raised by an alien race, then one day they see something that looks just like them. Beta and Echo are ordered to kill the strange beings without any cause or any answer of why. it's time to find out. STORY: BETA AND ECHO SCARED AND ALONE ON AN ESCAPE SHUTTLE FLOATING IN THE MIDDLE OF SPACE IS UNCONCIOUS. THEIR FAMILY BRUTALLY SLAUGHTERED AND EATEN BY A RACE OF INSECTOID ALIENS. THEY ARE PICKED UP BY ANOTHER RACE OF ALIENS WHICH RAISE THEM TO BE STRONG AND INTELLIGENT SOLDIERS. THEY HAVE NO MEMORY OF THEIR RACE OR THEIR REAL FAMILY, JUST STRANGE NIGHTMARES THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND OF BEFORE THEY WERE SAVED BY THEIR NEW PARENTS. 130+ HRS STORYLINE COOP ONLINE AND OFF.All Rights Reserved