An average person blinks 28,000 times in a single day. Its amazing how such a insignificant occurrence leaves us at the mercy of its consequences. We spend 20% of our waking hours with our eyes closing in a consistent rhythm of fleeting darkness, like a flickering lightbulb approaching its inevitable burn out. This is how I can best describe my life; a painfully sinister analogy of the ever inevitable promise that every lightbulb in the whole world will turn out, and, eventually, be replaced by another. People burn out, In the blink of an eye. It only takes 1 out 28,000 moments of fleeting darkness for your life to loose its light. And sometimes it doesn't even have to flicker for your light to burn out. Sometimes it's there, and in the blink of an eye, it's like it was never there in the first place. We discard it, and replace it with a new one every so often. This is how insignificant our lives are, we go about our day, and when something tragic happens we say our condolences, and move on to our lives, apprentice over the fact that it didn't happen to us. Because in hindsight, we can only give so much compassion to other people's problems, because everyone has their own to attend to. People burn out, and when that happens no amount of compassion from anyone is enough, to fill the void. Thats why we take take drugs or cut or eat or not, what ever the hell you do to cope with never ending agony of living life without a light, a light so bright it can eliminate your entire life. In a blink of an eye my whole world as I knew it was ripped from my grasp, and I had only batted an eyelash.All Rights Reserved
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