Yawara Amane is a young orphan on Earth living with in abusive, wealthy family. She is abused daily by her parents and bullied constantly at school, despite the few friends she has.
Karen Amane is a theif on Heiwanatani within the Malkin Kingdom who is only left to fend for herself. She is constantly hunted down by the Kingdom guards and often gets away just barley.
One day when Yawara is in Gym class, she is attacked by a cloaked woman and sent to Heiwanatani, a world that is need of dire help. When Yawara and Karen's paths meet, they find out about their past and that they are sisters, but when Karen gets kidnapped Yawara leaves it to herself to go and save her. Can she save her sister and return back to Earth, or be stuck and die on Heiwanatani?