{Sequal to "Transformers: The Prime's Daughter"} Everything is over. Optimus Prime and Melissa have gotten back together and everything has went back to normal. Or as normal as a Hybrid can get... Hannah and her siblings go back to school tomorrow and everyone else is going better. Especially The Autobots, they are no longer in war so everything is good. That is until a strange dream Hannah has is quickly becoming reality. *** Optimus Prime roared out in anger and pain as Quintessa stabbed him with the punishment stick, as she called it, she sighed softly as she watched his engeron dripping from the stick and his frame. "Too bad you have to die before your family sees you." Now that got him pissed. "IF YOU DARE LAY A DIGET ON ANY OF THEM I WILL FRAGGING KILL ALL OF YOU!!! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY FAMILY!" He screamed at her. She smirked. "I now know your weakness. Good." "GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME!! YOU FRAGGER!!" "No, no. Do not talk to your creator like that Optimus. Do you want to be punished again?" "I. Will. Kill. You." Optimus hissed through gritted denta. Quintessa chuckled softly as the Prime blacked out from energon-loss. "I know exactly how and what to do to hurt you. Hurt your three sparklngs. Oh this will be fun." She smirked to herself and teleported to Earth. Hannah's world.All Rights Reserved