This is just a story of me basically. Going into all my struggles I've had in life. I know my life isn't as bad as some people's but it's my story. I'll be talking a lot about my "father" I prefer to call him my sperm donor I'll also talk about my momma. My life has always been surrounded by drugs and alcohol and this is just going to explain how it affects me to this day. I honestly don't expect anyone to read this but if you are going threw life issues maybe give this a read you may like what I have to say and you may not. Here is a little intro into what I'm writing. I hope you enjoy. I remember when this photo was taken I was laying there pretending to sleep and little did everyone know every night I'd lay there crying myself to sleep missing my family and my mom. I got ripped away from the family I was raised by only to be put with my other family who I hardly knew. Many people don't know the feelings I had there or how I still feel to this day that time in my life had a major affect on who I am today.Todos los derechos reservados
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