Sam is a regular teenage girl who goes to high school. Just like other girls in the world, she has a huge obsession over Jack Harries. She dreams about him every night, and thinks about him all the time. Sam wants to meet Jack Harries SO badly! One night a shooting star passes. Can you guess what she wishes for? *One of those stories where you keep reading and it keeps getting interestng* ***2019 update: I abandoned this story in 2014 and didn't come back til now to finish it... I am SO ASHAMED AND DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF. What kind of person sits and writes all this cringe and garbage?! ME, THAT'S WHO. I will never be able to forgive myself for this. WARNING: DO NOT READ. YOU WILL WANT TO DIE OF SO MUCH CRINGE AND STUPIDITY. AUTHOR KNOWS HOW TRASH THIS IS.***