Jack's gone silent, only posting videos, and even then, he was barely sticking to that. Mark and felix grow worried as something is not quite as it seems. A few hours away another falls into darkness, their problems only just beginning. And Felix is now caught in between this dangerous game of rivalry of old.
Hey so this is my first story on here And I really hope you enjoy it. I love hearing feedback both positive and negative, cause then I know what the community, and you guys, enjoy! anyways without further ado onto the story!! Also all art with used (aside from my own) is given all rights to their respective owners
EDIT: hi guys, so I just wanted to say yes I know there is a name for pewds dark side. that it is PewDIEpie. Also I as aware of the fact there is no actual "fallen" of matpat (make more sense when part 10 is released) these include my personal opinions and theories. As well as a few fun ideas. Please don't kill me for this
Jack has been fighting it for months, but one can only go so far. Antisepticeye finally comes out, and who will he go after first? Of course it would be Mark, Anti has been dying to see his... old friend. Perhaps he could even get Darkiplier out. Only time will tell
((There will be a prequel to this so don't be alarmed if a couple things don't make a lot of sense, it will be out soon after i finish this series, i know chapter one is fairly short but i plan for the others to be longer. Thank you guys who are reading this and i hope you enjoy it.
P.S. Art in the cover is mine.))