Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall... Humpty Dumpty had a great fall... All of the king's horses and all of his men... Couldn't put Humpty together again But I could... I could fix myself, after all... The Fazbear Legend. That's what they called it. Nothing but bits and pieces of lore and stories about the chain of events and establishments left behind to crumble throughout time. They always took something from their last attempt. Old pieces and plastic to be salvaged away for their next attempt. The cycle went on and on for several years, until the slate was wiped clean. But not for long. Because a certain someone is out for revenge...and you're HER first attempt. But who is this malevolent mastermind? you don't know? I thought it would be obvious. DUMMY. A new attraction has risen from the ground with a fresh start and a promising attraction! Welcome, one and all to the Fazbear Freakshow Circus! Full of haunting attractions and mind-bending curiosities that are surely not for the faint of heart! Be amazed as relics of time are revived in the most TWISTED ways imaginable! And, with an all new attraction, the original star of the long ago forgotten establishment: Circus Baby!!! So come along for some unnerving freaks and thrilling entertainment at the Fazbear Freakshow Circus!!!All Rights Reserved