"The sting. I know the feeling. It's the sting of either my desire for death, or the alcohol. It washes all my thoughts. My life of crime just... fades. Along with my worries, and stresses. But it also distracts me while it makes my problems grow. It grows about as much as my pain of living. Mark's jobs have been the only things that keep me here. The cash. No matter how much I hate it, it's my key to a way out. Money. I can't do this alone, as much as I abhore the task of splitting the reward. I. Need. That. Cash. I think I might trade my life for at least the crew's cut. The alcohol... It destroyed my worry for myself. I need this money. No matter what I have to give up for it." This is the story of Y/N, an alcoholic who has frequent jobs in illegal activity, including weapon and drug selling/buying, and has found themselves caught in a war between two cold-blooded killers. •Disturbing Chapters •Trigger Warning • Read original Story before reading this one for a clearer understanding. (Time) •This is a fanfic (markiplier, jacksepticeye, crankgameplays, teamiplier)All Rights Reserved