Akahana Nishiyama is a sweet and lonely girl living on a Sunflower/Strawberry farm. She can't go outside of the farm due to her illness, so she's always been closed in all her life. She still is the sweetest girl in southern Japan. One day Yoshinori Yamashita, who is a hard worker at a poorer farm up the road, comes to their farm for supplies and is welcomed with opened arms. He then realizes that he should become her protector after listening to her beautiful selfless words. New opprotunities are then opened. The sunflowers are in bloom, bringing color to a somewhat colorless world. It's the sun that is attracted to the flowers. That makes the flowers grow strong, tall and happy.. bringing light and color to the surface we call earth. But what if the yellow flowers have the same effect on the sun..? New friendships, acceptance, and a beautiful journey is set ahead on this lighthearted anime based novel. Written and created by: Kianna Raine WillapanaAll Rights Reserved
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