He sees me. Katherine slowly started to back away. She was crawling on her hands and knees, cramped between two branches. The sound of dead leaves crunching beneath her as she got herself free. She tried to get up but the sudden shift in wind blew her down. He's getting closer. Katherine got up and ran for it. "Get back here, I'm not finished with you!" The figure behind her screamed in a deepish, ghostly tone. She didn't listen, she kept running. From the corner of her eye she could see him. Running at the exact same pace as Katherine. She looked over again then suddenly he wasn't there anymore. Katherine looked forward again. The sudden figure appeared in front of her. She tried to stop herself but slipped.
There's a fine line between reality and illusions. The pleasures of being sane is like music dancing to the beat of a metronome, stars lighting your way through the universe, oceans providing an endless supply of beauty at every angle. It's something everyone craves. But thirst for paradise can overcome ones mind to the point where it's hard to tell what's real or fake.
[ Roblox Pressure Reader Insert ]
Hadal Blacksite; an underwater facility dedicated to researching monsters of the unknown. That's the place [name] found themselves in after volunteering to retrieve a certain item deep within the now seemingly lost location. Yet, who could pass up the offer when the rewards were oh-so tempting? Not only are they grappling with death and betrayal around every corner, but they experience the impossible after a first death of their own.