"It's the first day of school. New school, new beginning, new me. I've changed so much over the year. My parents always told me that people change and friends drift, but i never really believed them. Last year I started school with friends. People called me popular, but i didn't see it nor did I label myself. I just thought of myself as my own person. Towards the end of the year i got less and less outgoing and got more and more shy. I lost my friends and made one new one. Claire....she's my bestfriend, my only friend. She was the only one who stuck around after everything. She dealt with me at my worst, she knew me better than i knew myself. Claire is a friend that i don't want too loose and i am hoping that it doesn't happen. I don't trust anyone but her. This whole journaling thing is new for me, but my counselor said that writing things down might help me instead of breaking down in the middle of class or anywhere for that matter. Anyway before i have to go to class i want this year too be better. I'm hoping to make new friends but not getting close i don't need too get close to someone who will probably leave in the end. I'm hoping to get good grades too, better than last year anyway. Well i gotta catch the bus so i'll "write you later" ;) haha i am so dumb...