In the beginning this collection had no apparent direction. I used to write aimlessly, only to appease my own satisfactions. It lacked cohesion and uniformity and I tried so hard to format my poems, my own feelings to suit some kind of primordial acclaimed cohesion and it drained me. Then I took a psychology class my junior year of high school, it was the best class I ever decided to take. In the process of trying to publish a collection, we were learning about adolescence and that's when it hit me! I was so lost, so confused, trying to stumble my way about the world of publishing due to what Hall calls a time of "storm and stress." I learned of many psychologists theories and thoughts regarding adolescence and I just thought it was a beautiful concept. I identified with Mead and Hall's theories the most. As Hall claimed, adolescence is marked by storms and stress. But as Margaret Mead claimed, it's also rather enjoyable and I think there's this unequivocal beauty to it. I wrote all of these verses, and fragments in a time of either great joy or great dissatisfaction, in shambles or in comforts; they are all products of my youth and I hope you're as fond of them as I am. So here is to the heartbreaks and the confusions. Here's to the quests for world peace, lost friends, new loves, internal angst and anxiety.