" Stripping business started in Africa. Long time ago, long long time ago, white man went to Africa. And he saw all these beautiful black women, walking around, dancing, working, living, in the nude. Bucked Nakeds! You could see their pubic hairs. This white man went from village to village to seek out these beautiful black women, watching them perform, in the nude.
TITTIES! Asses. Free. White man got an idea. He figure he go back to Europe and start the same type of business, taking away from our black women, trying to get them white bithches to dance the same identical way, huh? But to no avail. Wasn't no shame in our black women walking around BUCKED NAKED! So he went over to Europe and tried the same thang. Them white bitches told that white man the most beautiful words you ever want to hear in our profession.
What did she say?
Baby, them white bitches looked that white man dead in the eye and told him, "Fuck that. Pay me!"
© 2016 CAMETRICE M. HEYWARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law .All Rights Reserved