[Disclaimer: Just like in all of my FanFics, there will be no Aarmau.]
The water was chilled as always. As winter approached the sky was slowly sealed away from us. If I wanted to see what really was up there, I needed to escape this prison of a kingdom, and see for myself before the sea froze. I wondered if humans still lived, if all the stories about them were true, but first I needed a way out.
Hidden in the cargo hold of a ship, a refugee trying to escape a massive war. My brother and I had fled, both of our faces now hidden by masks. We didn't want anyone to ever see who we were, but our luck seemed to be running out. The sea was freezing, and it would mean that if we didn't get to out destination fast, we would be out of time and die on this freezing ship. But we still have some hope.
Hated royalty, that's what I am. I'm not greedy, I'm a caring and loving person. That's what everyone hates about me. "Be more like your father! Be more like your sister!" They would yell, even though Cadenza was like me on the inside, she just could play along. So, what was he to do, his heart was to pure to do such evil deeds, so all he did was train with weapons, but always hoping he would never have to use them.
Where will fate lead all of them?