Alyssum and Evelyn's eye widen as Ginevra Potter (Nee Weasley) and Hannah Longbottom (Nee Abbott) pulled them through the clothing boutique. Alyssum's eyes narrowed at the former Ravenclaw who looked sheepishly at her friend. Evelyn had insisted that they had been neglecting their friends, Alyssum had thought about it for a moment then agreed. They HAD been uber busy with conferences, meetings, conventions, and so many other things that they had to do because they owned A&E. So, they had called up their two best friends and in order to make up for their lack of being around, suggested a shopping spree, on them. The two women had never regretted anything more.
"Gin, If you tug on my wrist any harder, not even Episky will fix it, i'll have to go get a muggle cast put on!" Alyssum exclaimed, Ginny rolled her eyes as she let go.
"Stop over exaggerating A." Ginny then began to look through the clothing on the rack. Alyssum took a deep breath, so the slytherin in her didn't blow up on the former gryffindor.
"So, this may have been a bad idea, I admit." Evelyn said taking a seat next to her.
"Oh you don't say?" Alyssum said with a glare. Evelyn gave her a sheepish smile.
"You owe me a drink, Travers. This was your idea." The former Slytherin said with a scowl.
"I think I can handle that."
"Eeek! Evelyn I found a romper that would look devine on you!" Hannah screeched. Evelyns eyes widened and Alyssum would have bet you they were bigger than a house elfs.
"I'll see you later." Evelyn said hurridly, Alyssum went to protest but she was gone.
"Where is Evie?" Hannah asked, her eyes scanning the room.
"She was just about to go to St. Mungo's." Alyssum said, irritation evident in her voice.
Ginny had joined the two girls, "Why? Is someone hurt?"
"No, but she's about to be." Alyssum growled, throwing a bag of galleons at the two girls and apparating.