Lavine, a young werewolf, constantly on the run from the ruthless werewolf hunters, finds her life thrown into turmoil when she is rescued by a dark mysterious Alpha named Toryn. He reveals to her a dark corrupt world of werewolves, where many are struggling to surivive. In a life changing journey, Lavine is determined to learn the truth about the fading existence of werewolves, but to do so she will have to face many obstacles, including her terrifying past, an inescapable love triangle, and a sacrifice that will determine the fate of them all.
A genetically unique but emotionally lost teenager must figure out who she is within her mixed-up, warring world of Shifters and Wolfstalkers.
It wasn't Maddie's choice to be born a half-breed, half Shifter, half Wolfstalker -- a hunter of Shifters -- and it wasn't her choice to keep her identity a secret. But after trying to attend high school like any normal sixteen-year-old, things quickly spiral south when her Stalker uncle finds out about her and catapults her out of anonymity and into the awareness--or possibly the crosshairs--of The Order of the Wolfstalker. Maddie must think fast and figure out a way to keep herself and her family safe, or risk losing everything. Including her life.
[[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]