M-am săturat atât de tare de tot ce se întamplă în jurul meu,de toată lumea asta rea si egoista in care traim,de oamenii rai si fara mila pe care îi am aproape ! ... Sentimentul asta de GATA NU MAI POT,NU MAI VREAU,NU MAI SUPORT, e atat de rau, ma raneste atat de tare si nu pot sa scap de el ! Nu il am mereu,dar si cand apare ma chinuie si nu ma lasa in pace ... Se intampla atatea lucruri,lucruri pe care nu mi le-as fi dorit niciodata,lucruri pe care nici macar nu indrazneam sa mi le imaginez :( ... Uneori sper ca tot ce se intampla sa fie un simplu vis din care intr-o zi sa ma trezesc si sa respir usurata ca s-a terminat ... Dar probabil ca asta se poate doar in mintea mea,nu ma intreb niciodata DE CE pentru ca,cu siguranta daca mi se intampla toate astea le merit ! Da,poate ca mi-as fi dorit sa fiu pedepsita cu orice altceva,dar nu cu asta ... Dar degeaba,oricum nu pot sa schimb nimic ... Daca Dumnezeu nu ma ajuta atunci nimeni altcineva nu ma poate ajuta.El e singurul meu prieten care ma asculta si ma intelege .. Speranta e tot ce mi-a mai ramas,e atat de intensa,mai intensa ca niciodata ! .. In momente triste ca astea imi doresc atat de tare sa nu mai fiu sau cel putin sa pocnesc din degete si sa dispar pana cand totul revine la normal,dar ce vorbesc aici? trebuie sa stau si sa astept ziua in care ceva frumos se va intampla, trebuie sa stau sa vad cum timpul trece atat de repede si eu nu fac mai nimic .... E o prostie vorba aia care spune ca noi singuri ne facem fericirea,nu e asa,noi oamenii depindem de alti oameni,alti oameni sunt fericirea dupa care noi strigam inauntrul nostru ... Scriind aici incerc sa ma descarc,îmi e putin mai bine,dar nu prea ... E trist,e foarte trist ceea ce mi se intampla si chiar daca ceilalti vad ca sunt ok,EU NU SUNT!
Professor's Dark Desire
[18+] - just as a warning this story contains themes of abuse, assault, and unhealthy relationships. If these topics are difficult for you, please read with caution because this story is definitely on the darker side of dark romance <3
"Tell me you little slut....." his hand moved from her thigh, nearing her soaking wet pussy.
"Am I the first to touch you like this?" He paused, plunging his middle finger into her needy cunt. She let out a piercing cry as his finger grazed her tight hole. "Fucking answer me" he roared thrusting his middle finger in and out of her whilst devouring her clit, a feeling she was so unfamiliar to. He looked up at her, watching her helpless little face plead for mercy.
She couldn't form a sentence "I-......" her eyes widened when he took her clit between his teeth as punishment for not answering.
"Maybe......" Alejandro hated her response, it triggered him. He thrusted another finger into her earning another cry.
"Who?" He demanded an answer as he angrily fingered her inexperienced pussy. Thrusting in and out in deep strokes, earning a guttural moan each time.
"I'll fucking kill him" he spoke huskily, moving up to her jaw, harshly kissing it, still ploughing his fingers inside of her.
"Tell me Yara, who the fuck has touched you like this" he bellowed, using his free hand to squeeze her jaw in a menacing grip, making her hiss. He withdrew his hand mid-stroke, bringing his drenched fingers up to her and shoving them in her mouth, making her taste her own juices.
"Does he make you this wet?" He dug his fingers deeper into the back of the throat. Inflaming her gag reflexes. She let out a muffled sob.....