Elsa is a very quiet girl haunted by her parents death. She works to keep her sister in a nice home. Always having to move because of job problems, Elsa finds herself in South Carolina. Trying to keep a job, take care of her sister, and go to school is very hard for her. But what happens when she meets Jack Frost, a young man just like her? Can they heal each other? Will they break each other? Will they put all their cards on the table? All their secrets out?
Contains strong language and sexual content
Uggg sorry I suck at summary's you'll just have to read to find what what I mean.
One more thing! I do not own any of the characters (I may add in an original character at some point) but Jack Frost, Elsa, Anna, all of them, I do not own. That also goes for the art I use. I did not draw any of them, I do not own any of them. I just looked them up.