"I can't get the door open" the man at the control panel said with fear on his face. The man next to him grabbed him by the arm and spun him around so that they were face to face and in sheer horror yelled, "Damn it John, I thought you said you could get them open if we got you here. We lost all but 70 men and a few women and children and they're in bad shape. This is our last chance, we can't hold out much longer ." "I said we might have a chance if we got to the front doors. I think he's been corralling us to this place picking us off as we go. He could have taken us out a long time ago with his inhuman abilities." There was thud and John turned and looked at his partner who in an instant had turned ghost white, all except for the blood that began to trickle from his nose. As he reached out to help him, John noticed that his partner was pinned upright against the wall by a thin metal piece that went through the side of his head. Then a shadow flashed in the corner of his eye which seemed to fill the room with darkness and his body with pain. The last thing he remembered while laying in the dark was the screamsAll Rights Reserved