A beautiful princess named Dawna (Lilee's sister), who escaped from the evil Ravon, a man who wanted to marry her and ordered his army (Garthim from The Dark Crystal) to taken her away from the people of the kingdom Dalionne (Lilee's kingdom). He tried to force Dawna to marry him so the people would accept him as king. Dawna forcefully refused. She ran away into the deep forest. There, she would soon come to realize that her love for cherry blossoms and magical fairies proved to restore her love for the forest and rekindle hope that her kingdom would be restored. And later ruled by a great, strong-big, bulky, mysterious, fearsome and powerful reptilian lizard man, who was an anthropomorphic, ruthless, muscular and intimidating reptilian warrior ruler of the moon and villainously seeks, orders and sends his army, minions, gang and horde to destroyed villages. However, realizes her has made a shocked mistake that he remembered Dawna when they were fallen in love in childhood story.All Rights Reserved
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