DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES. DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES. DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES. THIS STORY IS LITERALLY JUST A BUCKET OF SPOILERS FROM BEGINNING TO END SO DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU IF YOU IGNORE THIS WARNING AND READ IT ANYWAY AND END UP SPOILING THE ENTIRE SERIES FOR YOURSELF. That said, this is a story inspired by a comment on Book 6 asking what it would be like if Arthur/Alistair actually became Sakura's Holdfast and therefore knew her all along. What if he actually did know her all along? What if he actually did become her Holdfast? Due to the fact that this story conflicts with several of Arthur's internal monologues in the original HoD, it can only be considered semi-canon as far as the first draft of the series goes. However, it is considered fully canon to the rewrite. There are no spoilers in this story that will ruin the rewrite's changes going forward. There are just a million and one spoilers that ruin the overall story of HoD as it's already been written (and as it will be rewritten). Therefore, DO NOT READ THIS STORY if you haven't read all of the original HoD and all of the short stories as well. (I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.) (The cover art is not my own work. If you are the artist or know the artist and wish for this art to be taken down, let me know, and I will remove it asap. Thank you.)