"Pain was something I was very familiar with and had grown to manipulate and wield as a weapon. But our love would prove to be far more deadly."
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Genevieve is a gorgeous young woman who is able to con men to do almost anything because of her beauty. Men fall to their knees wishing she gave them the time of day. Working with the most dangerous men in the world. Using her wits and feminine seduction against the corrupt men she hunts and kills.
Until she meet's him.
One day her boss tells her to find and kill a lawyer of wealth and extreme threat over her boss and their organization.
To her surprise Nathan Vanderbilt is everything she didn't expect. He's handsome, honest and moral. Genevieve quickly empathizes with him and realizes he doesn't deserve to die.
Breaking her one and only rule: Don't let her emotions get in the way of a mission.