So if you are an insane little book owl like me, even the smallest things have to tick you off. I mean, c'mon? Lazy writers: Avada Kedavra. Plot Holes? Crucio. I've grown up around books and they don't have to be perfect, wordy or lengthy, just gouge your fingers to bring blood sweat and tears on the keyboard! So all in all, if you're friends of commentary, the internet, writing help and insanely driven perseverance, what the hell are you doing? Get out and smell the roses.
Ride this coaster with me and we shall search - no, explore - the depths of 26 re-arranged letters. We shall not cease until every bitching and whining character is put to sleep. We are writers, writers of the next generation! And even if global warming burns a hole through our library system, we'll be armed to restock those places of book-ly worship with works of our own! Do not stop until your knuckles are sore, your capillaries swell and your fingers hyper-flex. Whether on pen-and-paper, or through the whole world of Electronic-a, your fingers may or may not fall off, yet you shall bring the whole world together with the touch of a few... little... condensing... swirling... words.
Copyright BookBanshee 2014