38 parts Ongoing "Clockwork Hearts" is a steampunk romance novel inspired by Pinocchio. Set in a bustling, industrial Victorian city, it follows Victor Ashcroft, a brilliant but reclusive inventor, who creates a life-like robot girl named Lyra. As Lyra awakens, she begins to exhibit signs of self-awareness, sparking a deep connection between her and Victor. Together, they explore their unique bond while facing external threats from mysterious figures who seek to exploit Lyra's unique heart-shaped device. Their journey is filled with adventure, danger, and the challenges of understanding Lyra's true nature and capabilities. As they uncover secrets about Lyra's origin and the device's power, they must confront formidable adversaries and make profound sacrifices. "Clockwork Hearts" weaves a tale of love, innovation, and the struggle to protect what is most precious in a world where the mechanical and emotional intertwine.