This is an original story, all characters and plots are influenced by history.
That is the reason why there is no cover, until I get the courage to draw.
The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka. One of the most famous warplanes in history. She has blond, short hair. She wears what her pilots used to wear. Of course, she still has her engine's sound, but it's a trumpet, blaring out her terrible sound, striking fear into her enemies.
The Hawker Hurricane, enemy of the Germans. However, she is now friends with her greatest enemy, putting the past, in the past. She's short brown hair. She, like other planes, wears her pilot's old uniform. Her guns are mounted at her wrists, quite like bracelets.
Savoia-Marchetti SM-85. Her nickname is Savi, but her superiors call her Savoia. Her country was never trusted, having being on the enemy's side, then defecting. However, she had no problem finding her friends. She wears what her pilots used to wear. Her propellers are not on her shoes, but under her wings, like her design.
The wings. They are made of the same steel, painted the same, the Iron Cross for the Germans, the Red Star for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Stars and Stripes for the Americans... Yes, they're all there. They are attached to the shoulders of the girls, so when they bomb, they won't crash.