In a modern day world, society on earth consists of more than humans. Anthropomorphic animals have become well-adjusted members of the society around them, and live in harmony with humans, just as humans do. Humans on earth have gotten used to this phenomenon, as It's been going on for centuries. This is not to say that all humans agree with this inter-mixing, some are very verbally opposed to it, and are not afraid to make that clear, but everyone is treated equally in the court of law. Just beyond this planet, in a completely separate galaxy lies Nekomunda. A planet consisting of alien cat-people with magical gemstones on their chest which control elemental magical properties, as well as their life force. Years ago, These people tried to invade earth and enslave It's people, But some Nekonites(The planet's inhabitants) were very against this. They were forced to engage, regardless, and those revolting against the invasion were killed. A single Nekoli mother, Selena hides away to keep her children safe from Nekoli officers, who wouldn't hesitate to strike her down. Her children, Khoda, the oldest brother, Zodiac, The middle brother, and Aries, the youngest sister had grown up around war times. Zodiac becomes possessed by a demon who promises to grant him strength at the age of 8, and the demon changes him, causing him to lash out against his mother, brother, and sister with immense brutality, his sister at the young age of 4. His mother, brother and sister flea from him, but he chases them down, joining the very army Selena tried to keep them safe from. Years have passed, and the invasion war has ended. Nekos and Humans live together in peace, on earth, but Zodiac's possesion still lingers, will he overcome his demons by moving to earth and making peace with humans, stepping in his mother's footsteps? This is a collection of several stories surrounding the life of Zodiac Klondike.
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.