Bonjour, Mes beautés. *Sudden France Mode: ON* ;)
This is about four girls that follow the "Green creature" and fell into a portal that takes them to England, where shit happens. Most people would say' Hey, it is in the same world, you can go back home when you like' BUT NO!!1! They are in the Hetalia World. it is a different place but just the same as their world. It is kind of like that ghost world that no one can see and there are people there but they are not the same as the 'regular' world that they are used to. You follow? Gut.
*German Mode: ON*
(I also have a lot of modes. I just like German and French better. ;) )
Zeir namez are Tori, Isabelle, Samantha, und Jessica, nicknamed Kanada, Amerika, Italien, und Preußen. Because Zey are AWESOME!!!! (Translate: Canada, America, Italy, and Prussia). But not as awesome as me!!!!!
Genießen Sie meine Geschichte!(Translate: Enjoy my story!)