The story is in the 90's era.. Mia Michelle is 20 years old and Michael is 36. The story is about what happened in 2009, about Michael's murder but in the 90's era, so he is "supposed" to pass at the age of 36 years old, not 50. But then something happens when he meets Mia, she changes his life. I'm gonna stop right here because i really don't want to spoil all the story on here soo yeah, find out yourself by reading the whole story! mia do plays a very big role in his life just saying.. you are gonna get into the story so fast.. it's very catchy :) lol guys ok just read the story you may be actually very confused by right now but the story is actually really good, i'm just not very good at explaining. I hope you guys love it. I'm working very hard on it. ♥️