It's been three years since the end of the GO series, and despite their many adventures and antics, the Raimon team is still going strong.
This time, though, they - and especially their captain - are put to the test when Tenma is accidentally returned to his very first day of Jr. High, when he first joined the Raimon soccer team. Stuck in his younger body, with no way to return home, he has no choice but to go through everything again.
Only this time, he has two things he didn't have before: knowledge of the future and a thirst for revenge, because his future teammates cause way too much trouble. Watch out, Raimon, because the insanity is about to start! Rewrite of the series!
The day passed as usual, the guys from Raimon got up early for training, but for some reason their captain did not come. But he usually comes very early. It turned out that he just overslept. With whom it does not happen. The training did not last long, the news came from the Fifth Sector. Will Raimon's letter be answered or ignored?
The work was written with instead of with: Eva Aptly