"You're useless!" There's only so much more I can take. I need to get out of this mess. Away from Penn, away from my dad, and especially away from Luke, the devil himself. I need a place where I BLEND in, i don't want to STAND out anymore. I'm tired of being ME, the hot head-cheereader that all the guys GO FOR, the girl that all the other girls ENVY, the girl with HIGH EXPECTATIONS from everyone else. So I'm not going to be ME. Say hello to the new Jenna. The anti-popular girl that all the guys RESPECT, the girl that all the other girls LOOK UP to, the girl with NO EXPECTATIONS from anyone else. I don't want to be a GIRLY-GIRL, I wanna be a TOMBOY. I don't want to be a CHEERLEADER, I wanna be a SOCCER PLAYER. And I certainly don't wanna be a THOUGHT, I wanna be RESPECTED. So dont call me AMAZING, call me IMPERFECT.