Random musings. I have my babies and my partner. So life is good right now :) I have my wonderful family and my crafty / gaming side and they keep me going too, when the kids are at their dads.
I was inspired to write by my friend. I also had been thinking of it for a while.
I suffer a multitude of health problems as well as mental ones. I suffer anxiety, BPD (borderline personality disorder) androgynous depression , anxiety as well as Dissociative disorder, (THE DD is the scary one to me)
I have to keep myself busy or i fall into depression and...the back ground noise starts. It usually if i were in a good mood, wouldn't matter. BUT combine that and a low mood and it affects my whole balance.
I am not writing this in "please help me" i;m writing this to better understand, raise awareness and also a sort of diary to myself and family. I am going to be open and honest, I hope that you are too if you feel ready to read this.
Ta'rah for now any way,