Takai Matsu is a young 15 year old Japanese boy. His life is a muddle of crappy beds, worn down clothes, and a shabby little home. He may not live a rich and wealthy life, but he's okay with that. He happens to hate rich people, mostly because of the fact that they always brag about their riches and flaunting it in peoples faces. But, he always keeps a smile on his beautiful face, no matter what. Yasue Hisashi is a different story, he hates the human race, and life itself. He always keeps a straight face, showing no emotion what-so-ever. He's quiet and keeps to himself, expect for one; his one and only friend Kayumi Kenji; a bright and bubbly ball of sunshine. Of course Hisashi is living a wealthy life, he doesn't show it. Instead he wears too big baggy sweaters and multiple different shades of black pants. Being only 16 and a sophomore, he doesn't really have anything in his life planed out, doesn't think twice about college or school, never less relationships.All Rights Reserved
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