After the 4th Great Ninja War the shinobi world covered itself with peace, or at least that's what was shown. Within each village, the Kages worked diligently for their sake. This story will center on the Sunakagure Village, a city on the other side of the desert, away from the others but with many mysteries. The current Kazekage is revolutionizing it, to the point of leaving the past out in the open, no more betrayals, no more secrets, he wants to create a village based on the ideals he has, but... will he achieve it? He is not yet fully aware that he is a growing man, he still has much to live. Feelings sometimes win over reason. But even so, it is more than sure that, he will give his everything su his ideal is fulfilled.
This story will have pairs, but there won't be GaaMatsu, GaaHina, GaaSaku, GaaSari and much less GaaIno. The main canons of the story will be mostly respected. The original series/manga along with the known characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto but the story here narrated is of my own authorship.
The current cover was a work in collaboration with the cartoon artist "Sasaki NH".
I thank Lucero Isabel for helping me with the translation work.
I do not want adaptations. No translations into other languages, if I see that this is requested I will do it myself. All Rights Reserved
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