8 parts Ongoing In a distant future where genetically modified (GM) human beings have been reduced to the status of prototypes, a ruthless dystopian society imposes total control over the lives and thoughts of its citizens. Deprived of their fundamental rights, GMs are forced to serve as test subjects in cruel scientific experiments, with no hope of escaping their fate.
Rose, a young computer programmer, lives in a world governed by inflexible laws, where every step is monitored and the slightest mistake can be costly. But when she begins to question the true intentions of the ruling elite, she discovers a secret that could change everything - a portal to an unknown dimension.
In a world where memories are erased and individuals are shaped to meet the demands of a corrupt elite, Rose must confront her own past and the manipulations to which she has fallen victim. Accompanied by her friend Lily, she embarks on a quest for truth and freedom in a society where the slightest act of rebellion can be fatal.
"The Second Dimension" is a captivating tale that explores the themes of identity, memory and totalitarian control, in an atmosphere that is as disturbing as it is fascinating.