"Don't rock the boat, Maxwell"
"Don't start the flood, Maxwell."
"Don't anger the Sharks, Maxwell"
Max's parents have always told him not to 'start the flood'
As in, don't cause trouble, Maxwell, you'll just cause trouble to yourself.
Max never did. But when he got back home from camp, he was pissed.
His parents didn't pick him up until one in the morning, and they obviously didn't care.
So Max stared the flood.
He yelled at his parents for neglecting they're only son, and his parents were pissed.
Max started the flood.
His parents started to abuse Max more then usual, the they forced him to do all the chores, and they rarely fed him.
So he ran away. And as luck would have it, a certain ginger found him.
"You've started a never ending flood, Maxwell. Now you'll have to live with it"
Dadvid is best David.
#4 in Dadvid