The Vargas's are going to a new school. New people, new teachers, and definitely new things. Such as the band teachers hall pass, which is a squash, weird teachers, and in school "Sporting events", such as stair sledding and "The Anual Caterpillar Race ", which is really just two teachers in sleeping bags, racing across the gymnasium floor. They get a room with people they don't even know, that consist of two German brothers, and a small Japanese man.
~Yay! hello there beautifuls, I have written new story to keep you guys happy! I know the Italy bros aren't triplets, but they are in this story. Also, the ships are GERITA, PRUMANO, and JAPAN x SEBORGA. human names used.
Gilbert- the awesome Prussia
And sadly, no, I am not dark lord Hima, so I don't own Hetalia.