Who said a girl can't marry her fellow bandmate?
Book 2 of the Sixth Member trilogy
Following Harry and Maddie's wedding, things start to perk up for both Rebecka and Niall, and Kristen and Louis, but what happens when Kristen has to go back home to the States?
What happens when Niall gets back with Rebecka?
What happens when Louis and Rebecka's mum is diagnosed?
What happens after Zayn leaves the band and limits his contact with his former band members?
Will life ever be the same again?
"Remember this place?"
"The place where we stargazed and said 'I love you' to each other for the first time?" I asked, memories of that night flooding my mind. "How could I forget?"
I looked around the clearing. The once-green leaves were now shades of red, orange, and yellow, making the clearing even more beautiful than in the summer.
"Yeah, we've made some pretty great memories," I said.
Niall took my hands. My electric blue eyes met Niall's sapphire blue eyes.
"Speaking of memories," Niall began. "I'd like to make one more, if you don't mind."
I watched Niall as he let go of my hands. Niall reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a smalll, black box. I let out a small gasp. Niall got down on his right knee and opened the box, revealing a beautiful square diamond ring. Everything froze at that exact moment. The sunset beside is seemed to stop. The rustling of leaves stopped, and my heartbeat seemed to go a thousand times faster once I realized what Niall was doing.
"Rebecka Anne Tomlinson," Niall began. "For the last five years we've known each other, we've been through a lot. When you became our unofficial sixth member, when the boys and I got in the car crash, when Harry and Maddie got married, when I was in my low point, when you officially became apart of the band, and many other times. So I just want to finish my turn in twenty questions and ask my final question. Rebecka Anne Tomlinson, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"
"Jenna McCoy."
"GO JENNA!!!" The guys and I shouted.
She walked up on stage and accepted her diploma before flashing the crowd a smile.
"Emily Rogers."
"YEAH EMILY!!!" We all shouted but I think Harry was the loudest.
She went on stage and fist pumped the air after receiving her diploma earning a few laughs from the crowd.
"Nina Tomlinson."
"WOHOOOOOOO!!" The guys and I cheered loudly. Nina walked up the steps in her beautiful dress under her white graduation gown. She did it. She's graduated. She shook her principals hand and accepted the paper rolled up and tied with a blue ribbon.
"GO NINA!!" Louis shouted.
I'm pretty sure she heard us with the smile plastered on her face but if she couldn't, she could most likely see us. And at the end, she threw her white mortarboard up in the air and then it mixed with all the others before it came back down in her hands and she hugged her two best friends.
The gang is back! Nina and Niall could not be better. They still love each other so much and almost everyone supports them, dearly. But what happens when not everyone is happy with their relationship? Can they keep it together and make it to the end, or will they crash and burn? They have all the support they need but they're being dragged back by this little negativity. They may not think it's worth it but all they need is a little love, trust, and faith.