When Percy sacrifices himself to defeat Gaea, everyone is left in despair. Gods, goddesses, demigods, Mrs. O'Leary, Blackjack, everyone. Even Hades, Dionysus, Ares and Artemis are depressed. Little did they know, their hero was watching them with sad eyes, unable to enter the underworld, but living as a ghost roaming the surface of the Earth. He's not completely dead, yet not alive either. The Fates have prepared a whole twisted fate for Percy, yet again throwing him into trouble. Only one thing can bring him back to the realm of the living before it's too late, and it's a nearly impossible feat.
The living demigods, gods, everyone has to become happy again, without their hero.
Annabeth is dead.
Without Annabeth, Percy can do nothing to keep Tartarus from haunting his dreams. But he finds a new life with Chaos, tring to keep his past far away from him. But he has to go back, and face his worst nightmare.
A life without Annabeth.